The Hui Initiative

We are asking God for an unstoppable and sustainable Gospel movement where a million Hui would meet, know and follow Jesus in Kingdom communities within the next ten years. 

News & Stories

Favor From On High!

The local Chinese workers we are mentoring continue to press on with the work of enlarging their contact base and deepening their relationships with the Hui Moslem friends they have made. God has granted them much favor with the Hui community where they serve.  “C” is a Han Chinese worker we are mentoring to reach …

Encounter the Hui

The Hui (pronounced “h-way”) are renowned as sharp businessmen. A Chinese proverb from the 1800s states, “A Chinese awake is not the equal of a Hui sleeping.” They worship in thousands of mosques throughout East Asia.

The Hui people-group numbering more than 14 million constitutes the largest Chinese Moslem UPG (Unreached People Group) in East Asia.  They are found throughout Asia, with about 98% in East Asia with concentrations in the Northwest and Southwest regions. 

Go to a mosque in a Hui area on a Friday, and what greet your eyes would be a sea of white caps of Hui men gathered for their Friday prayers. 

This people group is known by the Chinese character “回”(pronounced “hui”), written with one square within a bigger one, that refers to their Islamic faith. It means also “to return”.

Try to look for a Christ-follower amongst them? You can scarcely find one. If there is one, he is often hidden, with no easy access to fellowship with other Christ-followers of Hui background.

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