Asking God For…

What the Hui needs most are your precious and powerful prayers, praying them into God’s Kingdom, with the Good News landing on hearts that the Lord has begun to soften. 

The Hui is known by the Chinese character “回” (written with one square within a bigger one), which means to “return”. Pray that the Hui would become a people that would return to the Lord.

OPEN HEAVENS – Ask God to revive and burden the global Church to pray for spiritual breakthroughs among the Hui.

OPEN HIGHWAYS – Ask the Lord of the Harvest to thrust out a united harvest force to meet the spiritual needs of the Hui. Pray for creative access opportunities, and that effective strategies can be identified and implemented to make Christ known to the Hui.

OPEN HEARTS – Pray for spiritual awakening among the Hui. Pray for supernatural encounters, resulting in a people movement. Ask God to redeem the unique giftings of the Hui for His Kingdom purpose. Ask God to tear down the barriers that keep the Hui from hearing the Good News of Jesus’ forgiveness and love. 

OPEN HOMES – Ask for whole families, and not just individuals to take the bold step to become Christ-followers despite being ostracized and persecuted. Pray for the effective planting and multiplication of Kingdom communities.